Speaking and Performing

Naturally, Henry takes every opportunity that he has to speak and/or perform for a crowd. Look below to see all the recorded speaking and performing that Henry has done!

~ GWTV's District Debrief ~ 10/28/23

Henry is back with more District Debrief! This time, he takes on the roll of a ghost who plans to run nothing but ads this Halloween. After all, what could be scarier?

This sketch, officially titled Bad Timing, has Emily and Emily (no relation) sitting down for a television broadcast gone awry. Each ad gets progressively more timely until the ghost takes over the studio to take matters into his own hands.

A huge thank you to everyone who agreed to be a part of my sketch. And a HUGE thank you to Teresa Seraphin for filming my sketch! Despite this being her first time filming, she had the skills and knowledge of a professional. 

the sketch is linked below. Since it was published by District Debrief, the video can only be found on their Instagram page. Enjoy!


While Henry is not in any other sketches in this episode, his tie is! His tie makes an appearance at the desk! The gold, white, and black checkered tie is worn by Ryan (one of the hosts for District Debrief) throughout the episode.

Episode 2 of District Debrief is also live and Henry's sketch became the thumbnail for the episode! This episode is an incredible one. It's so good that you don't even need a joke from me to get you to click on the video. You can (and should) watch the entire episode by clicking on the YouTube video below.

~ GWTV's District Debrief ~ 4/14/23

Henry is back for another year of District Debrief! This time, he took on the role of a lawyer involved with the GW Student Court.

This sketch, officially titled All Rise, follows a student involved with the GW Student Court. As a lawyer, he holds himself to the highest legal standard. If only his rival (and potential love interest?) didn't use such unconventional methods to win cases, he would win every case.

A special thank you to everyone who agreed to be a part of my sketch and to the editing team (Samar, Brooke, and Colin) for their amazing filming and editing work.

The sketch is linked below. Since it was published by District Debrief, the video can only be found on their Instagram page. Enjoy! 


Henry was also featured in another sketch called Don't Get Caught. In this sketch, Henry plays the role of an individual who knows the main character but has no desire to speak with her. The use of the Don't Get Caught button confuses him and confirms his belief that the main character is, at the very least, kind of weird.


Episode 1 of District Debrief is also live! This episode is so good that I guarantee you will exhale out of your nose at least one time. You can (and should) watch the entire episode by clicking on the YouTube video below.

~ GWTV's District Debrief ~ 4/14/23

Henry has returned to the world of District Debrief for the last time before the semester officially comes to a close. 

Specifically, Henry was honored to be a part of the sketch titled "STUDENT EVALS" in which he attempts to evade the grasp of the nefarious Kim Dam (no relation) as she tried to make him fill out his professor evaluations. Who knows if he will make it out alive... 

 The sketch is linked below. Since it was published by District Debrief, the video can only be found on their Instagram page. Enjoy! 


Episode 3 of District Debrief is also available for viewing and Henry was, once again, featured in the OPENING SKETCH! It is a great honor for him to be in so much that this organization produces and he is thankful for every moment he has had on camera. Although, sadly, this is the last episode for the semester, it is one you will not want to miss! The episode is incredible and will make you laugh at least 70 times. To watch something the kids call "a real banger", click below. 

~ GWTV's District Debrief ~ 3/26/23

Henry is back again! While this entire sketch was written and created by Henry, Brooke Forgette filmed and edited the entire thing. Big thank you to her!! 

This sketch, officially titled The Copyright Police, follows two officers from the GWCPPD as they attempt to tackle Copyright violations here at GW. Their methods are extreme but necessary. 

 The sketch is linked below. Since it was published by District Debrief, the video can only be found on their Instagram page. Enjoy!


Episode 2 of District Debrief was just released and Henry's sketch was featured as the OPENING SKETCH! However, this episode is great for a variety of reasons aside from just that. For the best 28 minutes and 18 seconds of your life, click below. 


~ GWTV's District Debrief ~ 12/15/22

As a member of District Debrief, Henry has the unique opportunity to write and perform in various sketches. Henry both wrote and direct this sketch. However, all of the filming and editing was done by the incredible Samar Baig!

While the title, A.S.M.R., is pretty self-explanatory, this sketch shows what could happen if GW's radio club (known as WRGW) began an ASMR category.

The sketch is linked below. Since it was published by District Debrief, the video can only be found on their Instagram page. Enjoy!


District Debrief released the first episode of the 2023 season. Henry is featured various times throughout, so definitely consider giving it a watch. Although he did not produce any of these sketches, Henry was thrilled to be acting on camera once again.


COMM1040 Introduction to Public Speaking

~ Extra-credit Ceremonial Speech ~

For the last unit in COMM1040, the students were given the opportunity to write and perform a ceremonial speech of their choosing (with, once again, the only requirement being that it was between 4-6 minutes). However, this speech was unique because it was for extra credit and could be recorded from anywhere. 

In this speech, Henry decided to choose a eulogy and write it for his best friend Khalid Hamdan. He talks about the life of service Khalid led and how incredible of a person he was. 

Note: It is very important to mention that Khalid is NOT ACTUALLY DECEASED and has both watched and approved of this speech.

The speech is linked below. Enjoy!

COMM1040 Introduction to Public Speaking
~ Persuasive Speech ~

Most recently in my COMM1040 class, students were asked to write and present a persuasive speech on any topic they wanted (the only requirement, once again, being that it was between 4-6 minutes). Henry decided to go extremely meta for this speech and chose "the importance of honing one's public speaking skills" as his topic. 

In this speech, he calls on his classmates to continue their public speaking journey by honing their skills even once this class comes to a close.

Note: the joke near the beginning of the speech was said because a large portion of the class was absent. While a few of the absences were due to legitimate illnesses, which caused them to miss class, it was clear to everyone in the room that there was a large majority of the class that had not prepared well enough to present on that day and decided not to attend class. The joke was meant as a lighthearted comment used only to underscore the importance of honing our public speaking skills.

The speech is linked below. Enjoy!

COMM1040 Introduction to Public Speaking 

~ Informative Speech ~

In my COMM1040 class, students were tasked with writing an informative speech on any topic of their choosing (The only requirement was that it was between 4-6 minutes). In preparation for the speech, I read a large variety of articles and conducted an interview with 2-year AMC Associate (and long-time family friend) "Veg". 

In this presentation, I look at how to sneak snack foods into the movies.

Specifically: Why a person might sneak in snacks and if anyone cares, classic methods of snack sneaking, and extreme methods of snack sneaking. 

You can find the speech linked below. Enjoy!

Writer's Week

For the first time ever, Henry wrote and performed a piece for Writer's Week at Neuqua Valley. 

Writer's Week is a week where students perform pieces they wrote earlier in the month of April. Students perform in the NVHS auditorium for their peers and sometimes their classes. This is (and has always been) hosted by Mr. Rossi. He approves students writing and helps them craft it to perfection. 

You can find Henry's performance below! 

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