NRHH + NACURH + CAACURH + The Capital Chapter


On the 14th of this month, Henry was officially inducted (you can find pictures attached below) as a member of NRHH, NACURH, and CAACURH (Which has The Capital Chapter included within it). 

First things first, what do all of these letters mean? NRHH is the National Residence Hall Honorary, NACURH is the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, CAACURH is our regional section (Central Atlantic Association of College and University Residence Halls) and The Capital Chapter is GW's chapter of NRHH. 

NRHH is "the premiere honorary... organization advocating for the interests and welfare of residence hall students, while also providing opportunities for their personal growth and development". NRHH's founding lies in internationally known service and recognition, so be on the lookout for more coming from Henry and his involvement in these organizations. 

He is looking forward to a productive year of service and recognition!

Henry Scriven-Young: Personal Website
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