NRHH - Member Responsibilities


As a member of NRHH, Henry is in a unique position to recognize and serve his community like never before. As a member, Henry has been asked to serve in the community for (at minimum) 3 hours a semester and submit two OTMs per semester (in different months). Henry is excited about all of the recognition and service he will be able to engage in throughout the rest of this semester and beyond!

Service: If you have a service event you would like Henry to attend (please note that Henry is in D.C. during the academic year), please submit a request below. Henry will review the request and attend the event if possible. Thank you in advance for submitting!

OTM (Of The Month): An OTM is a monthly recognition for someone or something here at GW that is going above and beyond to serve and improve life within the residence hall communities. These nominations should be month specific, include what this person (or entity) has specifically done to benefit residential communities, and who they are. After your submission, Henry will look into this person (or entity) and (assuming there is substantial evidence of their service and work) create an OTM submission for them. Thank you in advance for submitting!


OTM (Of The Month)

Henry Scriven-Young: Personal Website
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