Monologue Show Through The Years
Henry has been a performer in the Monlogue Show since his freshman year. As a freshman, Henry viewed the Monlogue Show as just another production at Neuqua. But over the years, Henry has realized why the Monologue Show is so special (and why more people come out and audition every year). It is because of the community.
This show, thanks to the continued efforts the show's director Mr. Rossi, has a community feel like no other. Everyone wants everyone to succeed and do their best. The community is willing to help people out if they need to switch rehearsal times or need extra actors in their skits. Each year the cast has an outing where they spend a couple of hours playing games, hanging out, and enjoying one anothers company. This year, that event took place at Chasers Lazer Tag. Henry had an amazing time hanging out with old friends and meeting new ones.
The monlogue show has a longstanding tradition of recording (and saving) past Monlogue Show performances. Ever since the first performer of the first show, Monologue Show performances have been eternalized on the NVHS Monlogue Show YouTube channel (NVHS TheMonlogueShow).
If you would like to watch Henry's past performances, you can find them below!