Leading and Volunteering (Election Season 4/6/21)


This election season Henry has had the honor of working under his Father, Dave Scriven-Young, for the Collector position, and for Councilman Krummen (Running to retain his title as councilman). 

Henry walked door to door handing out literature and talking to voters for both campaigns. Long nights were spent talking to voters in person or on the phone, making social media posts, and putting out signs.

Henry has been honored to work alongside his family and the amazing team of volunteers hand picked to help out the Krummen Campaign. Khalid, Sasha, Abby, and Vidya are the most hardworking individuals I could have asked for. They braved harsh colds and heated afternoons alike always returning to me asking for another stack of flyers. They are the perfect team, and I hope to have the honor of working with them on something again sometime in the near future. 

Election results are not yet finalized due to Mail In Ballots. Candidates have not declared victory or defeat, but they are certainly vigilant of the current count. Henry wishes Krummen and his father the best of luck!

Henry Scriven-Young: Personal Website
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