Take a look at my resume

Henry Scriven-Young 

Henry Scriven-Young is a public servant, musical lover, and actor. 

Over his life, Henry has earned the American Legion award, awards at RLC, numerous Neuqua theater awards, is the recipient of the Tamara Wilson Excellence in Music scholarship through YNS (Young Naperville Singers), achieved 4th place at State for the Speech Team in the category of HDA, is the proud recipient of three Neuqua Honors Awards, and he is proud to serve his constituents as the Precinct Captain for Wheatland 21.

He is also the Student Association Executive Assistant and a member of the Student Advisory Panel on Dining.

Henry holds his family and friends in the highest regard and is honored to be surrounded by amazing groups of people every single day. 

Get in touch

Email: hscrivenyoung@gmail.com
Follow me: Instagram @henryscrivenyoung

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Henry Scriven-Young: Personal Website
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