New Website:
I am proud to announce that I have a brand-new website now up and running that will replace this website. You can find my new website by clicking the link below.
Thank you for visiting my website!
Click here:
Who are you?
My name is Henry Scriven-Young. I was born and raised in Illinois and am an aspiring politician.
Where do you go to school and what do you study?
I am currently a sophomore at George Washington University (Raise High GW!). I am thrilled to be out in D.C. where I can study at a university that is literally four blocks from the White House! I am majoring in Political Communication and minoring in Chinese and sustainability.
What have you been up to Lately?
I am thrilled to announce the existence of my NEW website! When it is done, all the information will be transferred to the new site and a link will be put here.
Thank you for your patience and STAY TUNED!
What has your most recent #OnlyAtGW moment been?
My visit to NBC's D.C. headquarters! Professor Berry was able to secure a full-scale tour and even got us time to speak with Kenneth Strickland (the Washington Bureau Chief and vice president for NBC News). I had an incredible time and learned a lot about what the inside of a newsroom looks like.
I hope to have the chance to visit once again sometime soon!

How was your final speech season at Neuqua?
Last season (which was also my final speech season) I was double-entered in the post-season. I competed in both DDA (Dramatic Duet Acting) and HDA (Humorous Duet Acting).
DDA: Rishika and I made it all the way to state! For the second year in a row, we are state competitors.
HDA: After winning our Regional, Khalid and I were knocked out in Sectionals. I was proud of the work we put in and I was honored to compete alongside someone so extremely talented.